Thursday, September 4, 2014

17 months old

On my iphone notes I write down little words and memories from each month so I don't forget. I know years from now I'll be saying "How old was he when he...." so I'm motivated to keep this blog up! At 17 months you had a vocabulary explosion. Every day has been a new word. Whatever word we say, you imitate it right back to us. I said "Oh man!" and you chimed back "Oh Man!" My favorite word this month? "Mut mash" (Mustache). On dada's face! Anytime you hear a motor sound you say "Airplane!" and we have to look for it. You point up at the moon (boon) and sun (nun). This month you have also learned the words "Ham, Bucket, Chin saw, boat, big cup, trees". You know the animals sounds to Cow, Kitty, Dog, Sheep, Frog, Elephant, Lion, Tiger, Penguin, Bird (you learned bird in Seattle so you saw Caw Caw like a crow!) You can count to 3! 1, 2, 3! You love your panda bears (you say "beo bear). You LIVE to be outside. You could seriously spend all day outside. 
You have a new nanny this week. Beloved Savanna (you called her Yay Yay Nana) had to go back to school. You were SO bonded with Savanna and hopefully she will still come visit us once and awhile. Erica is your new nanny. She is a kindergarten and first grade teacher so she has lots to teach you. She is very calm, quiet, and friendly. You have taken to her very well this week. You are such a social guy you would get along with everyone! Last night you slept from 7:15pm-7am!! That's the latest you've ever slept in to date. You also woke up happy (not crying!) You have a little babyproof photo album with everyone's picture and you love looking at it saying their names. Sometimes you find family member look alikes in your books. You think the Quaker Oats man is PopPop and show me him everyday in the cupboard. 
We are enjoying you so much Monkey. You are so smart and funny. You have so much personality. You are so busy and we love watching you explore your world. And you are just the cutest most beautiful baby anyone has ever seen!

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