Friday, December 27, 2013

First Christmas and 9 months old!

You are such an active little baby boy I hardly have time to sit down and write on your blog! This week you started mimicking me when I click my tongue. You think it's so funny to copy me! You have been making the cutest "oooh!'s when things excite you. We had to spend 10 days on Oahu for your operation and you did such a good job. You were our little gypsy baby traveling from hotel to hotel, staying in different places, and handling it like a champ. You loved the sights and sounds of the "city" and it was a great distraction while you were recovering. You are now 100% healed and perfect.
We went down to Kona and had dinner with Tutu, Pappy, and Great Grandma Ruth for X-mas. Today your Seattle Grandparents get into town and they are soooo excited to see you. You aren't sleeping very well lately, I'm not sure what's going on. You love playing with toys and are crawling all around. You are the light of our lives and you are just surrounded by so much love little Alistair!

Friday, November 29, 2013

8 months old

I can't believe at this same time last year, you were the size of a sweet potato and this year, you are an 8 month old big boy! You are amazing. You've discovered covering and uncovering things with a blanket, pinching your fingers to pick things up, you laugh in sheer delight when you throw a toy on the ground and watch someone pick it up, you love to knock over tower blocks that I build you, and you are getting more interested in eating food. You are going through some emotional developments and for the first time ever you cry when a stranger picks you up. You've had some new nannys come into your life this week too, so it was a hard week for you. When I come out of my music room to get water and you see me, you cry for me (you didn't used to do this). All the books say "Enjoy this now, because never in your baby's life will you appear this perfect again!" You are my little koala bear baby and you are happiest clinging to your mama. You play with your toys by yourself for 30-45 minutes at a time. You continue to love the outdoors. You climb and crawl and stand up all the time. I bet you are weeks away from taking your first steps. You used to sleep 6pm-4:30am, but lately you have been waking up several times screaming out for me and I usually take you into my bed and nurse you and we sleep together till 6:30am. All the books say not to do this, but I know it's what you want and need right now. And you are only this tiny once. So why not rock you to sleep?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

First Halloween!

It's your first Halloween! You dressed up as a monkey. Luckily it was cool enough that evening to get you dressed up and take you for a walk around the block. You are such an early to bed guy we didn't do anything wild and crazy this year. Nor did we see any kids trick or treating! They all go to a different subdivision to maximize candy per house. You are probably weeks away from walking. You love to climb, crawl, and push boxes around the floor. Your favorite toys seem to be everyday household objects like a water bottle, spatula, or tupperware. You are obsessed with strings and cords, so I made you a toy of ribbons that you love. You still aren't a fan of eating foods and make very funny faces when I try to feed you, but I'll keep trying. They say at this point it's more about the experience than nutrition. You discovered strumming your lips with your finger while you talk and you make funny noises. You say blah blah blah and dadada. You were in your johnny jump up and I said "Jump!" and you started jumping. You still love being outside and going for walks. You are more into moving around than being confined to the jumperoo, swing, or play pen. You love climbing around in your crib.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

7 Months old!!!

I cannot believe you are 7 months old! Time is going by way too fast. I wish I had 3 months for every month you aged. But then it would take 3 years for you to reach 1 year old. You are just so scrumptious. You are such a happy guy with a big personality. You have 2 bottom teeth and 2 "fangs". You look like a little vampire baby. You love to be held and worn in the ergo baby carrier, even though you are very active. You are talkative and love trying out new voices. You have the best belly laugh in the world. I'm trying out some sign language with you and I've seen you sign "milk" and "hungry" around meal time, so I don't think it's just a coincidence. You aren't a huge fan of eating solid foods and you make funny faces and noises (and a mess!) when I feed you. But I've heard it's more for experience than nutrition at this point. We take a family walk every morning all together and sometimes if you are still awake at night we take an evening stroll as well. It's my favorite time!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

5-6 months old!

Where has half a year gone?? I vividly remember when you were just born. I can't believe it. You are such a fun, smiley, happy boy. You have your moments, but in general you are a very easy baby. You are now sitting up pretty well on your own. You can pull yourself up on your knees and then stand when grabbing onto the crib bars. You have eaten rice cereal, avocado, and this week carrots! I just ordered you a high chair on amazon! We went to Seattle for Kristopher's wedding and you were a wonderful little traveler. We called you our gypsy child since we spent the night in so many places! You met your Italian great grandparents. I can't believe you have FIVE great grandparents in your life right now. You met your Aunt Uncle and cousins from NY. Everyone just adored you. Here are some pictures from 5-6 months.

 Eating rice cereal for the first time
 Meeting your future wife Penny
 You are so proud!
 Mommy circa 1980, you circa 2013!
 You, cousin Kelsey, and dad all decked out for the wedding
 A family of spies

 With bff Jenna at the rehearsal dinner at Salty's
 We rode from the train station to the hotel in one of these bike carriages!
 Silly Moose
 Riding the train!
 Handsome Salerno men
 With your great grandparents at Snoqualmie falls
 Handsome boys
 Grand Mama Kangaroo
 Such a cheeseball!
 Sweet at 6 months