Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week 15: The latest and greatest

You are now 15 weeks old. You have discovered your voice and you "talk" all day long. Now I have two chatterboxes in my life! You are an early riser (your mama is NOT), but it makes me smile when I hear you wake up and "talk" instead of cry. I sleep in the guest bed in your bedroom for now because I still want to keep a constant eye on you. You can flip from your tummy to your back (although you cry when you do this because it startles you). I have only witnessed this live once in the middle of the night when I was trying to console you. But it was dark and I was half asleep, so please do it again in front of mommy so I can see, ok? You laugh and giggle. You cry when I walk away. You can hold your own bottle at times. You are very interested in your toys. Today was a very very fussy day, but we had a talk before going to bed and you "promised" tomorrow would be easier. Motherhood is the most amazing thing. It's also the most true testament to unconditional love and patience I have ever experienced.
Here are some picture of life at 15 weeks!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Three states in three months

 Never travel light again! This doesn't include the travel crib which we had shipped to Seattle
 First airplane ride! You were sooooo good!
 Meeting Uncle Kris for the first time
 Such great smiles with Grandma Kiss
 Such a strong head! This is the farthest I've seen you lift it!
 Meeting Aunt Kimi for the first time
 Mama's boy
 Being adored by your loving grandparents
First mohawk! My little cupie doll

You went to three states in three months. First stop was Seattle for Grandma Kiss's 60th b-day. You met Aunt Kimi and Uncle Kris and all your cousins and great grandparents up in Camano island. You were so good on the airplane. You slept the entire time and I even got to watch a movie on my ipad! After Seattle, we went to Austin TX for Alex's cousins wedding. You were the hit of the reunion. I didn't want to take away from the bride's special day, but you sure stole the show! It was so HOT in Texas. Too hot for my little heater monkey. During our 2 week vacation you grew and changed so much. You literally woke up June 30th totally different then the day before. You were a little chatterbox on the airplane the ride home. You talk and giggle and smile at everyone. You react to yourself when you see yourself in the mirror. You are so into your toys now and can grab and take a rattle out of my hand now. You are hours away from rolling over on your own. And you are just so so cute Alistair!! I have lots of pictures to post. So stay tuned!