Monday, October 27, 2014

19 months old

19 months old. Can this be true?? I remember last year thinking when you were 7 months old at Halloween "This time next year he will be 19 months!!" And it was so hard to picture a little toddler running around at the time. Next year you will be 2 and a half year old talking up a storm in complete sentences! Your dada and I are enjoying you SO MUCH! You are SO funny. And SO expressive. New things this month: You are obsessed with the roomba vacuum robot cleaning. You say "Wo-bot!" My all time favorite word this month is your way of saying "Ladybug"...."beak-a-bug". I love it!! You call daddy's mustache a "mutmash". You are still big on doing something you know to be naughty and wagging your finger in the air while you pout so sad and say "No, no. Break-able". You know the word "naughty". And you call Ruby "No no, naughty. Knuckles". Since we call her knuckle head for being so naughty! You LOVE your little red piano. And you like to play songs, and then say "Mama!" and you pull me over to your piano so I can play you songs. You sing "EIEIO moo moo", "ABC" (the first 3 letters and then you hum and sing random words for the rest), and Hush little baby "You sing 'baby' and then hum along". And funniest of all? Dada taught you the word "butthole", which you love to point out on the cat. You were curious as to what that thing was, and dada told you. I wasn't going to tell anyone else you knew that word, but then your wonderful nanny Erica was watching you and you went up to the cat, pointed, and said clear as day "Butthole". She found it hilarious too. You love saying "Erica" (it's more like a Ear-ica". You love stickers. You learned the word "Hippo" and that a hippo says "Blub Blub Blub". You love throwing rocks down the storm drain, and think a hippo lives down there. I love it when I'm teaching and you are playing on the front porch with Erica and you say "Mama!" and you stand in the doorway of my music room and smile at me and watch me teach. Sometimes you dance along to the music. Today you said clear as day "Have a good day!" to our neighbor Tommy! You talk about Poppy playing piano and guitar. You still think the Quaker Oats man and the Newsmans own boxes are your great grandparents PopPop and GG. You have been having fun with an ap on our iphones called autorap. Are you going to be a rap artist?? You know what everything belongs to (tutu's glasses, dada's shirt, mama's shoes etc).
I took my first trip ever without you. It felt so weird at the airport. Like I was missing my head. I was anxious and I cried a few tears, but I knew you would have so much fun with your dada and grandparents. I had a wonderful time with my best friend. The highlight was sitting on the couch from Friends on the WB tour. I can't wait to take you to Disneyland one day. It's my favorite place on earth!

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