Wednesday, June 4, 2014

14 months

You are 14 months old. Most nights you sleep 6pm-6am! But every once and while we have the 4:50 or 5:15am wake up. You have added the words "Cup" (Buck) and "Bug" to your vocabulary. But you have plenty to say in your munchkin language. You have an incredible appetite and will eat anything. This week you discovered organic grapes. You've been taking an almost 2 hour nap in the mornings, but you don't like to go down for an afternoon nap, which is why I think you are an early to bed guy. At the park you go down the slide all by yourself and you love the swings. We go to the beach early in the morning at least 3-4 times a week. What a great way to wake up! You are quite a character with lots of personality. You are also a very busy little guy!

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