Friday, November 29, 2013

8 months old

I can't believe at this same time last year, you were the size of a sweet potato and this year, you are an 8 month old big boy! You are amazing. You've discovered covering and uncovering things with a blanket, pinching your fingers to pick things up, you laugh in sheer delight when you throw a toy on the ground and watch someone pick it up, you love to knock over tower blocks that I build you, and you are getting more interested in eating food. You are going through some emotional developments and for the first time ever you cry when a stranger picks you up. You've had some new nannys come into your life this week too, so it was a hard week for you. When I come out of my music room to get water and you see me, you cry for me (you didn't used to do this). All the books say "Enjoy this now, because never in your baby's life will you appear this perfect again!" You are my little koala bear baby and you are happiest clinging to your mama. You play with your toys by yourself for 30-45 minutes at a time. You continue to love the outdoors. You climb and crawl and stand up all the time. I bet you are weeks away from taking your first steps. You used to sleep 6pm-4:30am, but lately you have been waking up several times screaming out for me and I usually take you into my bed and nurse you and we sleep together till 6:30am. All the books say not to do this, but I know it's what you want and need right now. And you are only this tiny once. So why not rock you to sleep?

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