Monday, September 2, 2013

Things I said "I'd never do"

I have to write these down while they are still fresh in my mind.....

Before having my baby, I used to judge. I'd look at my mommy friends and say to myself "Well, I'd never do THAT!" Ha! Here's my list so far of "I'd never" followed by "in reality"...

1. I'd never rock to sleep or let him nap in a baby carrier. I'd put him in his crib for naps. If he chose to scream and cry, well that was his choice. He'd eventually fall asleep. If he was tired, he'd sleep.

In think you won't get any work done wearing your quiet sleeping baby around the house? Well, you won't get ANY work done due to the stress of hearing him scream and cry from his crib. He won't eventually fall asleep when he's tired. He'll have the world's biggest most epic melt down and be so colicky and cranky the rest of the day you will go insane. What's two hours of wearing him while he sleeps soundly in the ergo compared to an entire day of cranky, sleep deprived, monster baby?

2. I'd never sleep in a different room than my husband.
Reality? What's the point of having two sleep deprived parents in one household? Let the guy get a good night of sleep so he can take care of YOU while you take care of the baby. And now that the baby sleeps through the night? Well that's great. But you still have to get up to pump, to check on him to make sure he's still breathing, to just be close to your infant because you feel much better that way. It's much easier to get up from the guest bed in his room vs going up and down two flights of stairs every night.

3. I'd never breast feed past the age of 6 months.
Reality? I feel like I'm going to have to breastfeed him for the rest of his life because it's the answer to every single problem. He's fussy, stick a boob in his mouth. He's tired, stick a boob in his mouth. He's teething and colicky, stick a boob in his mouth. You want 30 minutes where he's quiet, calm, and not moving so you can just lay down? Stick a boob in his mouth.

4. I'd never be one of those moms who took forever in the bathroom or backing out of a parking stall.
Reality. Mystery solved. I'm sorry, gentleman waiting to use the Starbucks unisex bathroom stall, for taking my sweet old time. If you could see me, you'd see that I was wearing nothing but my socks and underwear while I did an entire load of laundry in the starbucks sink because I managed to get both baby poo and spit up embedded everywhere. And once I'd done doing this laundry, I'm moving right on to doing my dishes in this sink as well. I'm sorry for the wait.

5. I'd never be one of those moms who constantly talks about her baby and posts pictures on facebook.
Reality? This is the most amazing thing you have ever experienced. Your baby is the most beautiful, perfect piece of art you have ever created. Your greatest masterpiece. Totally worth bragging about! I'd brag if I won a nobel peace prize. I'd brag if I won an oscar or a grammy. Why not brag about my baby!

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