Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 6

Hey! I'm pretty proud that I can keep up with your blog! I can't believe you are 6 weeks old this week! I took you to the beach for the first time and we hung out with 3 other babies from my baby class. It was fun to sit around and talk to other moms. You are so much more alert. I'm still dying for your first real true social smile. I've caught glimmers of smiles from you. And you smile at your crib mobile. You love that thing! I bought a book called The Wonder weeks and it goes through particularly fussy weeks. We are in one right now. (week 5-8). You are doing a great job considering how fussy this period can be. A true life saver for soothing you has been the exercise yoga ball. You could bounce on that thing and look out the window for hours. I will get in shape this way! Right now you are bouncing on the ball with your new babysitter Carly. She started today to get used to you and also so that I could show her some of my "tricks". I start teaching next week just for a few hours a day. I'm so lucky that I get to work from home. It will making working so much easier for me. You are addicting and I just don't want to put you down!
Here are some pictures from week 6!

 You look like such a big boy in these overalls. I'm having fun playing dress up!

 Milk drunk
 You are the spitting image of your daddy in this beach chair photo
 First time at the beach. Those mitts are on your hands because you HATE the car and tend to try to claw your eyes out when I'm driving. You've given yourself deep scratches and cuts in the car, so these mitts protect your gorgeous fussy face!
 A little mama snuggy time
 Trucker Al
Boys and their toys

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