Wednesday, April 20, 2016


THREE YEARS OLD! I missed the post for last month so I will combine the two! I keep little notes on my iphone of all your funny quotes and stories.
You have been really into puzzles now that you are 3. And memory matching games. Your favorite songs are Eh Campari, Hit the Road Jack, Michael Row the Boat ashore, and Mozart's Requiem "Angel song". You like to drape a towel around yourself and say "I'm an angel. Just like Michael". Last month I wore you in the ergo on my back so I could rake and do yard work. It was the golden hour as the sun was starting to set. All of a sudden you gasped, grabbed my arm and said "Mama! Wook it! That's Michael's cloud!!! He's standing on it watching me. He's a Michael cloud!" So I looked up and smiled and said "We love you Michael". One night after getting home from dinner late I pulled you out of the car and you saw all the stars. You said "WOW! Wook at the stars mama! Michaels in the stars!"
You have funny little sayings too. Today you said "Oh man, you crack me up!" And after doing a bunch of errands I said "OK we need to do one more errand" and you said "We're running ANOTHER errand?? Are you kidding me??"
You are into "neutrally buoyant" balloons.
When I pick you up from school you say "OK goodbye friends!"
You end your sentences with "all day long".
You still say "Stank you" for thank you.
We went to Seattle for your 3rd bday and you were a champ at flying and traveling as usual. You got to have Grama Lama and Poppy all to yourself while I went to visit my best friend Jenna in LA. They loved having special one on one time with you. You are so close with them.
So here's to 3 years old little buddy. Let's work on #2 potty training, sleeping through the night, and listening! You are just the cutest little kid ever and we love you so so much.