Somehow a year flew by! Make that TWO years flew by! You are a two year old now and I just can't believe it! We had the BEST birthday party in the world last weekend. We had it on Saturday, which was the day of the week you were born. (Somehow your birthday on Monday just didn't feel like your birthday, since I so vividly remember it being a Saturday!) We had a bouncy house which was a hit for all ages; a Steel Drum jam along with me, a bean bag toss (I had to make my own since the one I ordered didn't arrive on time!); a water table with tons of bath toys; a slide, swing, bubble mower, excavator yard activities; a blow up pool that squirted water; Dr. Seuss themed snacks, Dr. Seuss themed goodie bags, pizza, and carrot cake cupcakes! The weather was PERFECT (and Waimea can be so unpredictable!) The backyard of Michael and Tutu's house was the perfect setting. Everyone had the best time!
New sayings and doings at age 2:
You constantly ask everyone "How you doing?" in the cutest voice. Sometimes you'll say "You you doing? Pretty good!"
You say "thank you so much" to Erica and other people when we run errands in town.
When I'm done teaching I open the door and you squeal while running towards me "Mommy done!"
You still love the game "Sit down pens" in daddy's office.
You are obsessed with minions. You said "Daddy purple minion" the other day.
You say "Oh no! Happened!" if you notice something askew
You sing the song "Happy Birthday to you". At your party you sang along with everyone and made everyone laugh. Your clap at the end of the song was the BEST.CLAP.EVER!! I have it on video! I almost cried seeing you so incredibly happy.
You sing a few words of Eensy Weensy Spider. And still love it when I do the motions to the song.
At naptime you like to chant in a monotone voice. Last week you said "Arrrrrrrr. Noise dada makes" (I think you were talking about a saw). You also said "Chainsaw. Dada building new house!"
I have to hide veggies in your mac and cheese and poke. I take frozen organic veggies and put them in the food processor and pulverize them into a fine dust and then sprinkle it on your dinner to get veggies in your diet! You LOVE poke. I make smoked salmon poke for you with sesame oil and soy sauce because I do worry about tuna and mercury!
You still like to say "Umm, think so. Probably" (imitating us on the phone).
You love Movie night! Ice Age! Minions. I now have to negotiate and do bath time first (you are very anti bath at the moment!) before movie night. Otherwise I'll never bathe you. Somedays you sleep 7-7 (but whenever I brag about this we seem to have rough nights, so knock on wood!)
I cherish our mornings with you. One of us goes in your room and you say "Mama upstairs! Tigger bup upstairs!" (or dada upstairs if it's me getting you in the morning). Then you drink your tigger bup in bed with us and play for about a half hour. You love to pretend you are a kitty. Or hop on pop. We enjoy you so much Alistair. To our brightest star on his second birthday. We love being your mama and dada more than we could have ever imagined! It is such an awesome gift to be able to raise such a kind, loving, polite, gentle, hilarious, sensitive, busy, friendly and happy soul. You inspire us, challenge us, and fill our hearts so full of love it leaves us breathless.
(Your birth date is technically Monday the 23rd, but you were born the 3rd Saturday of March and we had a wonderful party for you with all your friends today!)