Thursday, October 24, 2013

7 Months old!!!

I cannot believe you are 7 months old! Time is going by way too fast. I wish I had 3 months for every month you aged. But then it would take 3 years for you to reach 1 year old. You are just so scrumptious. You are such a happy guy with a big personality. You have 2 bottom teeth and 2 "fangs". You look like a little vampire baby. You love to be held and worn in the ergo baby carrier, even though you are very active. You are talkative and love trying out new voices. You have the best belly laugh in the world. I'm trying out some sign language with you and I've seen you sign "milk" and "hungry" around meal time, so I don't think it's just a coincidence. You aren't a huge fan of eating solid foods and you make funny faces and noises (and a mess!) when I feed you. But I've heard it's more for experience than nutrition at this point. We take a family walk every morning all together and sometimes if you are still awake at night we take an evening stroll as well. It's my favorite time!