Bringing Up Woodbilly
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Three and a HALF!
OK a half a year went by since the last post! Life is so busy I might be doing an every 6 months update! Right after you turned 3, like the day after, you became fully potty trained! You finished your first year at preschool and have now started another school year at Kameha.meha Preschool. You are thriving and you love school! You have written your own name. You can sound out words like cat and dog. You have a big boy bike with pedals. You are SWIMMING on your own! You are obsessed with Ratatouille, legos, star wars, and crafts. You love to sing and you match my pitches. You call this "Connecting our voices". A couple cute and funny stories from this past half year:
"Mama, you know how earthquakes happen? Da North Pole moves, closer to us, and da earf thinks he's cold so it shakes"
On the first day of school your new Kumu (teacher) was teaching the kids to say "ai" (yes) after she said "Ma Kau Kau" (are you ready?) and you would then continue saying " you!"
You were calling for Ruby in the driveway and she didn't come like you asked. So you said "Oh no mama! I think Wuby's deaf too!" (Poor Moki is completely deaf now!)
We were eating dinner and you took a long serious deep sigh and I said "Honey what's wrong?" and you took another deep sigh and said "It's just been a really long day" and put your head on the table.
You saw a cartoon picture of a uvula in one of you books and asked me "What's that?" I said "It's a uvula. We all have one" and took a flashlight and showed you. You were amazed and obsessed ever since. You love anything human body related. Red Blood cells and all!
You are a happy, friendly, verbal, smart, confident, and social little guy. We love you so much and we are having so much fun with you!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
THREE YEARS OLD! I missed the post for last month so I will combine the two! I keep little notes on my iphone of all your funny quotes and stories.
You have been really into puzzles now that you are 3. And memory matching games. Your favorite songs are Eh Campari, Hit the Road Jack, Michael Row the Boat ashore, and Mozart's Requiem "Angel song". You like to drape a towel around yourself and say "I'm an angel. Just like Michael". Last month I wore you in the ergo on my back so I could rake and do yard work. It was the golden hour as the sun was starting to set. All of a sudden you gasped, grabbed my arm and said "Mama! Wook it! That's Michael's cloud!!! He's standing on it watching me. He's a Michael cloud!" So I looked up and smiled and said "We love you Michael". One night after getting home from dinner late I pulled you out of the car and you saw all the stars. You said "WOW! Wook at the stars mama! Michaels in the stars!"
You have funny little sayings too. Today you said "Oh man, you crack me up!" And after doing a bunch of errands I said "OK we need to do one more errand" and you said "We're running ANOTHER errand?? Are you kidding me??"
You are into "neutrally buoyant" balloons.
When I pick you up from school you say "OK goodbye friends!"
You end your sentences with "all day long".
You still say "Stank you" for thank you.
We went to Seattle for your 3rd bday and you were a champ at flying and traveling as usual. You got to have Grama Lama and Poppy all to yourself while I went to visit my best friend Jenna in LA. They loved having special one on one time with you. You are so close with them.
So here's to 3 years old little buddy. Let's work on #2 potty training, sleeping through the night, and listening! You are just the cutest little kid ever and we love you so so much.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Two Years 10 Months
I thought it would be too confusing and sad to tell you it was Michael's birthday on the 18th, becuase nobody loves birthday parties as much as you! So I didn't say anything. But then in the car, you said "Mama, I need to buy my Michael a balloon to send to the sky. He's having a big play date today with all his friends!" So I said "Well, today is his birthday" and you said "I know! He's going to blow out his candles today. That's why he told me to buy him a balloon". So of course, I cried happy tears. We talk about Michael every day. He's in every song I sing to you at night. I hope you continue to have a relationship spiritually with our awesome beloved Michael.
You've been having your first sleep over play dates with Tutu. The first two times, dada and I came straight home and went right to bed! Some party animals we are!
You LOVE helping dada. Organize tools, load wood, driving diggers. He is so lucky to have a little buddy like you!
Your favorite songs at the moment are Same. Old Love and Hit. the Road Jack
I finished teaching and found you eating a cookie and you said 'Mama, I'm a LUCKY boy!"
We went to the annual wood workers guild show and you were so well behaved. Dada was a sponser this year, and when they said his name to thank him and clap, you looked over at him with googley love eyes and clapped loudly and proudly. It was so sweet.
You woke up from a nap and said "I was snoozin' and dweeming about gwama wama!"
On a facetime chat you said to Granma Lama "I will fit dat tow twuck sataday gwama wama". (I just love your little accent!)
We watched the new years fireworks from the top of our lot. You said "Michael is in the fireworks. He told me to pwug my ears". After a beautiful perfect firework, you gasped and whispered "That one was my favorite!"
You held up a piece of wood and said "You smell dat? Dat's seuuuuugi" (Sugi).
You were asking for a brother and sister. I explained that a baby would grow in my belly and then there would be a baby living in the house with us. You said "No, I like your belly empty. I don't wanna baby in my house. I just want a brother and sister". Hmmm....You didn't do very well with our company who had a baby. You would glare at her when she got near and dramatically move your chair/toy/food to a different spot with a huff! I think you like having ALL the attention! Now you don't want a brother and sister after all this company!
You've been having your first sleep over play dates with Tutu. The first two times, dada and I came straight home and went right to bed! Some party animals we are!
You LOVE helping dada. Organize tools, load wood, driving diggers. He is so lucky to have a little buddy like you!
Your favorite songs at the moment are Same. Old Love and Hit. the Road Jack
I finished teaching and found you eating a cookie and you said 'Mama, I'm a LUCKY boy!"
We went to the annual wood workers guild show and you were so well behaved. Dada was a sponser this year, and when they said his name to thank him and clap, you looked over at him with googley love eyes and clapped loudly and proudly. It was so sweet.
You woke up from a nap and said "I was snoozin' and dweeming about gwama wama!"
On a facetime chat you said to Granma Lama "I will fit dat tow twuck sataday gwama wama". (I just love your little accent!)
We watched the new years fireworks from the top of our lot. You said "Michael is in the fireworks. He told me to pwug my ears". After a beautiful perfect firework, you gasped and whispered "That one was my favorite!"
You held up a piece of wood and said "You smell dat? Dat's seuuuuugi" (Sugi).
You were asking for a brother and sister. I explained that a baby would grow in my belly and then there would be a baby living in the house with us. You said "No, I like your belly empty. I don't wanna baby in my house. I just want a brother and sister". Hmmm....You didn't do very well with our company who had a baby. You would glare at her when she got near and dramatically move your chair/toy/food to a different spot with a huff! I think you like having ALL the attention! Now you don't want a brother and sister after all this company!
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Two Years 9 months

Here we are celebrating your third christmas. You sure did make our holiday merry and bright. I'm not sure how we would have survived the holidays this year without you. You were so excited about the Christmas tree. You said "Mama? You excited and happy? We building a twee!" You also said "Last year, when I was just a lil baby, I see Santa and I cry ALL day long. Now I'm a big boy!" And you didn't cry! You did stop dead in your tracks when you spotted him, but he waved and you waved back and marched right towards him! Dada laughed in that picture because Santa said in a deep voice "Well, hello Mr. Alex".
Other funny sayings and stories I've jotted down this month:
You are figuring out things that rhyme all on your own. "Gasoline. Kathleen. Olive (a girl at school) and Olives (your favorite snack).
When you and I play or do crafts you say "This is great fun. I'm having a play date with you mommy!" When you ride in the ergo on the dingo you tell daddy "I'm so happy to be with you dada!"
You said "I'm a big boy, Moki's a little guy".
You and I had an amazing conversation about Michael that I wished I could have recorded. You were sitting at your little lunch table and you said "Michael's watching me eat my snack mama, he's not in the hospital no more. He not in his cozy nest. He's in the wind and the air. He's everywhere watching me. He loves me. I not dead. I still have my breath. See? (blows air on my face) I love my Michael. I see him in my dream. He comes into my room. He's always with me". I gave you a big hug and smile and held back all my tears.
You have loved riding in the ergo on dada's back while he excavates and mows the lawn. You are at such a fun age where you want to help and join in on the yard work.
We have an inside joke 'I ate the whoooooole hamburger!" It makes you laugh and laugh.
You say things like 'This is gunna be perfect!"
I love when you tell me some memories of Michael. You told me this month 'Me and Michael went on an adventure walk by the post office". "Michael showed me the handle bar in the car"
You are addicted to crafts. Every day you want to "make a cwaft!"
You sat through a whole 2 hour choral concert I performed violin in. You said "Mama! We clap for you!" You and Poppy are rock stars?"
You like to listen to adult conversations and say "Mama? whaddayou sayin?"
You learned three new holiday songs "Jingle Bells, Rudolph, and Frosty". You had no recollection of the frosty doll we bring out each year. Last year you carried him everywhere. This year you were a little scared of him, so I showed you pictures from last year. It was funny to see you looking at your old self so puzzled like "Why don't I remember this??"
I hope naps aren't over. Sometimes we will go a few days without a nap, and other days you nap for 1.5-2 hours! You usually end up in our bed at some point in the night. Sometimes we have rough nights where you are up and down all night. It's hard not to cave in when you say "Mama? Come snuggie with me!"
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